Months have passed since you had a COVID-19 infection and recovered from it, yet you are still exhibiting symptoms that are COVID-19-related. Long Covid or post-covid syndrome are commonly used terms for this. Long COVID, also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome, describes the issues faced by people who experience symptoms after convalescing from a COVID-19 infection. Long Covid symptoms can linger for two to three months, as opposed to the acute phase, which can last up to 14 days.
The likelihood of developing Long COVID does not appear to be related to how unhealthy a person initially contracted COVID-19. Those who initially experience only minor symptoms may develop more severe ones later. The symptoms of long-term COVID might evolve and can affect the entire body. After contracting COVID-19, a person may have a wide range of symptoms. Fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, memory and concentration issues (brain fog), sleeplessness, heart palpitations, dizziness, joint pain, migraines, and rashes are typical symptoms of the post-COVID syndrome. Where to buy CBD oil for headaches, fatigue, anxiety, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and other post-COVID symptoms? Let’s find out!
Post-COVID syndrome: Risk factors
It has been observed that patients who were hospitalised for severe pneumonia or a stroke and who had COVID-19 require specialist treatment and frequent follow-up after being released. Post-COVID syndrome does not, however, only affect persons whose illnesses resulted in organ damage. Additionally, it is not specific to those with dangerously bad or life-threatening symptoms. Post-COVID syndrome can occur in persons who had moderate symptoms and were self-treated at home and those who went to the ER with serious symptoms or had advanced symptoms that necessitated a brief hospital stay.
It’s crucial to remember that although these patients may not have needed specialised care for their real illness, they may now benefit from it as a result of the persistent symptoms that are still interfering with their everyday lives. The true prevalence of post-COVID syndrome is still challenged, and several studies have found varying prevalence in diverse populations. Adults over 50, particularly those who had a more severe illness, appear to be more susceptible to acquiring long COVID symptoms. A person’s risk is further enhanced if they have underlying medical illnesses, particularly cardiac problems, hypertension, diabetes, or obesity.
Post-COVID syndrome: Signs and Symptoms
The most typical post-COVID syndrome or long COVID symptoms that can linger are tiredness, joint discomfort, chest pain, high blood pressure, brain fog, and difficulty focusing. In addition to the loss of taste and smell, respiratory problems might last very long. Additionally, some people struggle with insomnia and mental health conditions like anxiety, sadness, PTSD, and other concerns.
Although the exact duration of these symptoms is unknown, we know they can remain for at least six months or longer in some individuals. These persistent symptoms also lack definite aetiology or long-term effects. Post-COVID syndrome’s cause is also unknown; however, theories range from undetected infection to an ongoing inflammatory response. Also unknown are any potential long-term consequences of these persistent symptoms, if any. It is well known that this illness can adversely affect the quality of life.
CBD for Post-Covid Syndrome
The cannabis plant produces a non-intoxicating molecule called cannabidiol, called CBD. After being extracted from the plant, it is safe and well-tolerated when taken orally as an oil, pill, or gummies. Depending on how sensitive you are, high doses of CBD may have a soothing effect. But for treating signs like insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, this is the best result. No daytime side effects are anticipated when a doctor gives the prescribed dosage. You can use CBD oil for energy to treat exhaustion, drowsiness, and other symptoms. The CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may lessen some painful long-COVID symptoms.
How can CBD treat the symptoms of Long-COVID?
Although CBD can alleviate some of the symptoms of Long-COVID, there is currently no treatment or cure for the condition. This includes, among other things, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, stress, restlessness, anxiety, PTSD, tiredness, and sadness. If nothing else has worked for you, researching CBD oil for headaches and other COVID symptoms without a cure may be worthwhile. This is particularly valid if you experience several Long-COVID symptoms. Since CBD can interact with other medications, it is best to talk to your doctor before using CBD in any form if you are taking any medications.Availability should not be an issue as one can easily buy CBD online.
Post-COVID syndrome is a multi-inflammatory condition that affects several parts and organs of the body and is thought to linger for months or even years. Depending on the initial severity of the ailment, long COVID can occur after severe symptoms, a relatively minor acute sickness, or even an infection without symptoms. While using energy and headache-relieving supplements like CBD can be beneficial, you should always consult your doctor if you encounter post-COVID-19 syndrome symptoms. In addition to other tests or treatments, such a chest X-ray, a complete blood count or a liver function test may be suggested for you. Your healthcare provider will create a treatment strategy based on your symptoms and any test results. In addition to taking supplements like CBD oil for energy and other symptoms, interacting with members of a support group and trading resources could also be beneficial.